CEO Message
We will become a company that leads the global network and provides the highest value based on customer-centered thinking and action.
Dear esteemed stakeholders, HUMAX Networks is constantly striving to provide the best network technologies and services with the aim of creating sustainable happiness in a world where mankind, society, and the environment coexist through customer-centered thinking and actions.
Today, sustainable growth is becoming increasingly important due to such pressing issues as the climate crisis, international conflict, and economic recession among others. As such, HUMAX Networks deeply recognizes the importance of sustainable management. The heart of HUMAX Networks’ management lies in raising the value of our stakeholders through customer value innovation. Through this, we aim to strengthen customer trust, practice responsible management that conforms to the global standards, and voluntarily comply with the values and contents of the ten UN Global Compact Principles. As a part of such efforts, HUMAX Networks is publishing its first sustainability report. With this publication, we aim not only to introduce management performance but also to transparently show how we are creating a better future.
First, we will fulfill our environmental responsibilities as a global corporation.
The international community, having recognized the seriousness of climate change and the need to address it, has entered into a climate agreement aimed at limiting the global temperature rise to within 1.5°C. HUMAX Networks is also deeply aware of the seriousness of climate change, and has committed itself to a short-term greenhouse gas emission reduction target that conforms to the climate science in collaboration with SBTi.
Second, we will provide a safe, healthy, and respected work environment.
We strictly prohibit discrimination on the grounds of gender and disability, and have established a culture of mutual respect to ensure that all our employees enjoy equal rights and opportunities. Amid such an environment, we believe that our employees can maximize their competences and capacities, and are actively supporting them based on the conviction that each individual’s personal growth leads to corporate growth.
Third, we will practice fair and transparent management.
this, we strengthen trust with our stakeholders and pursue sustainable growth. Furthermore, we are doing our utmost to create a sustainable supply chain through close cooperation with our partners, and operate our business with a strong sense of responsibility for all processes.
We at HUMAX Networks will live up to the expectations of our stakeholders, and become a corporation that contributes to creating a better world. We ask for your continued support and interest.
Thank you!
HUMAX Networks Co., Ltd.
CEO Lee Seung-jae
2023 Sustainable Management Highlights
Company Profile
Spun off from HUMAX Co., Ltd. in 2019, HUMAX Networks is a company that supplies a variety of network solutions and broadband network equipment. The company provides diverse products including xPON, routers/extenders, DOCSIS, xDSL, and other solutions, and creates new values through constant R&D aimed at enhancing the performance of its products with the adoption of innovative technologies, such as Wi-Fi 7, Wi-Fi Sensing, Wi-Fi EasyMesh, etc.
Company History
Mission, Vision, Core Values
HUMAX Network has established its mission, vision, and core values to become a “global leading company” that provides new value through innovative yet non-destructive creation.
We will take a major leap forward to become the top company by continuously securing technological competitiveness and recruiting excellent talents based on our customer-oriented core values.
Business Overview
Main Business
HUMAX Networks provides broadband network devices that can be used easily anytime, anywhere through innovative technologies.
Key Products
HUMAX Networks provides high-speed Internet network products and solutions to major telecommunication carriers worldwide, and also supplies set-top boxes and OTT products for video reception and playback. Thanks to our products, customers can enjoy fast and stable Internet services and video services.
Key Services
HUMAX Networks has developed a service through which a person’s movements indoors can be identified using Wi-Fi Sensing technology, and that provides the information the user needs. This service provides breathing detection, checking for presence in a room, sleeping time measurement, and monitoring of the nighttime activities of elderly persons. It can notify the user of any anomaly if it detects a deviation in a person’s behavior pattern from ordinary times, based on an analysis of that person’s movement pattern over a certain period of time. In addition, family members can check whether someone has gone out or is back home using Wi-Fi or GPS. We anticipate applying this technology to schools and companies to create services for checking classroom and office attendance among others.
Growth Strategy
As the use of the Internet continues to increase, the number of devices connected within a household has reached around 17 to 21 on average, and the amount of data used every month is a staggering 641GB on average. Due to the growth of the IoT and the smart home industry, the connections between devices and the amount of data used are forecast to further increase. Accordingly, the demand for high-performance broadband gateway products that can be stably connected to multiple devices and with which a large amount of data can be used without interruption is on the rise.
HUMAX Networks has developed a wide range of high-performance broadband gateway products based on the wealth of experience and know-how it has accumulated over the years, and it now plans to diversify its clients by expanding its global sales network. In the medium to long term, we will expand our business areas to include various product lines and solutions needed by major telecommunication carriers. Through such a diversification of our portfolio and the expansion of our client base, we aim to promote sustainable growth along with an increase in sales and the stable creation of profits.

Approach to ESG
ESG Strategy
ESG Vision and Policy
HUMAX Networks’ ESG vision is to fuse technology with ESG to connect to a sustainable tomorrow. Through this, our ultimate goal is to pursue the sustainability of mankind. Such an ESG vision is being realized in detail in each specific issue related to environment, society, and governance. From the environmental perspective, we actively support carbon neutrality and pursue environmental sustainability in response to domestic and overseas environmental policies such as climate change, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, etc. From the social perspective, we listen to the voices of various stakeholders and strive to create a healthy and responsible corporate culture. Last of all, from the perspective of governance, we are leading the way in building trust with our stakeholders through fair and transparent management. HUMAX Networks will demonstrate leadership in the area of environment, society, and governance based on policies for addressing each ESG issue and the Triple Bottom Line in order to realize our ESG vision, and we will do our best to satisfy the requirements of our stakeholders and build mutual trust.
ESG Management Committee
HUMAX Networks currently operates an HR committee, management committee, and ESG management committee. The members of each committee are appointed by the board of directors, and the current status of committee operation is periodically reported to the CEO. Among these committees, the ESG management committee reviews major items of the management agenda from an ESG perspective and makes important decisions accordingly.
Mid- and Long-term ESG Goal
HUMAX Networks has set up an ESG management roadmap to strengthen its corporate competitiveness and contribute to the growth of a sustainable society. Beginning in 2023, we established the ESG management strategy system and performance management measures, and laid the foundations for ESG management by conducting an ESG assessment of our suppliers. As of 2024, we have pushed ahead with the internalization of ESG by raising our ability to execute ESG tasks, and we aim to establish company-wide sustainable management by enhancing the implementation activities of all sectors of ESG from 2026.
Identification of ESG Risks
HUMAX Networks recognizes that non-financial (ESG) risks can have a negative impact on the company’s financial performance. Thus, related departments in the company are managing risks by setting management indexes by ESG area. Regarding necessary data, we will continuously monitor the correlation and conformity to the company’s ESG strategy and goals, and constantly manage them.
Stakeholders Engagement
Communication with Major Stakeholders
Stakeholder Communication Channel & Major Issues
HUMAX Networks considers all its employees, customers, shareholders, investors, suppliers, and local communities to be its major stakeholders, and listens to their diverse voices via common channels through which we can communicate with them at all times, as well as via individual channels suited to each stakeholder. The verified opinions of our stakeholders are reflected when setting ESG management strategies and tasks.
Materiality Assessment
Double Materiality Assessment
In 2023, HUMAX Networks conducted a Double Materiality Assessment to analyze the impact that sustainable management-related issues have on the company’s financial status and, conversely, to assess the impact that our business has on the environment and society. We proceeded with benchmarking of the same industry and surveys of our stakeholders by utilizing the double materiality assessment methodology required by the international standards, and ultimately derived four key response issues. The derived issues were then confirmed by reviews conducted by our department in charge of ESG and the top management, and by gathering the opinions of experts.
Double Materiality Assessment Process
Meaning of the Double Materiality Assessment
The double materiality assessment entails taking into account not only the impacts of corporate management activities on society and the environment, but also the impacts that external factors have on corporate value and finance. Through this, HUMAX Networks comprehensively reflects the perspectives of various stakeholders including customers, shareholders and investors, suppliers, employees, and local communities in order to establish and implement sustainable management strategies.
Double Materiality Assessment Results
We have selected four material issues by considering their financial impact on the company and social and environmental materiality during the double materiality assessment, and presented their levels of impact on individual stakeholders. The activities and performance concerning related issue are reported in detail in this report.

Environmental Management Promotion System
Environmental Management Policy & Strategy
HUMAX Networks has established an environmental policy to prevent environmental damage and practice continuous improvement activities through eco-friendly business management. To this end, we have established an eco-friendly management system based on ISO 14001, a global standard, and are complying with domestic and overseas environmental laws and regulations. In addition, we have identified the environmental issues that we should focus on managing by assessing the environmental impacts arising due to the nature of our business, and then performing continuous management activities.
Direction of Environmental Management
Environmental Management Certification
HUMAX Networks has been recognized for establishing an environmental management system at the global level by acquiring the ISO 14001 (environmental management system) certification in 2023. We will continuously renew and maintain all related certifications to ensure continuous operation of our eco-friendly management system.
Environmental Management Guidelines
HUMAX Networks enacted the environmental management guidelines on December 2, 2022, and has updated it periodically. The environmental management guidelines consist of a set of basic principles, beginning with the CEO’s message, which contains the CEO’s commitment to environmental management, and a total of ten detailed principles. Through these environmental management guidelines, we will do our best to achieve our environmental goals and improve our performance by taking into account the environmental aspect in all the processes of corporate management activities.
Governance of Environmental Management
HUMAX Networks has established an environmental management governance in which the top management participates. The company is equipped with an environmental management system for operating a sustainable business by managing and overseeing the company-wide implementation of environmental management based on environmental policies and guidelines.
Environmental Management Training
We conduct training on the impact of corporate activities on the environment and the direction of the response in the future in order to raise our employees’ environmental awareness and to strengthen their environmental competencies. We have conducted an online training program on the theme of “Understanding environmental management and how to respond to climate change” for all our employees. This training covered a diverse range of topics, such as energy-saving and energy mix, climate change and the company’s response, greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon market, waste and the circular economy, biodiversity and related laws, management of hazardous substances, etc. In 2023, 175 persons participated in this training program.
Result of Environmental Training in 2023
・ Training topic : Understanding environmental management and the response to climate change.
・ Target : All employees
・ Date : May 2-12, 2023
・ Training method : In-house online training (Video viewing)
・ Training completed : 175 persons
・ Training details : 1. Information related to energy, such as energy sources, energy saving, energy mix, etc.
2. Current status and impact of climate change/response method of the company.
3. Greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon market.
4. Waste and the circular economy.
5. Laws related to biodiversity.
6. Management of harmful substances
Eco-Friendly Activities and Management
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Management Activities
HUMAX Networks is deeply aware of the seriousness of climate change, and has consequently set its greenhouse gas emission reduction target for the first time to join the response to global climate change. Furthermore, to express our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we have pledged to establish a reduction target based on science through the SBTi (Science Based Target initiative), a global initiative, and will continuously practice it by receiving the verification of SBTi.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Goals
Energy Conservation Activities
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy, we have installed motion-activated energy-saving switches with motion sensors in all the restrooms and lounges at our domestic business sites. In addition, we have replaced the existing lighting with highly-efficient LED lighting, and are developing and supplying products with power-saving functions. Besides this, we are running a campaign in which internal employees’ always set their laptops to the standby mode.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction in the Supply Chain
As the regulations on greenhouse gas emissions have recently been tightened in supply chains, the importance of greenhouse gas management within the supply chain is growing. Hence, the company is striving to manage the greenhouse gas emissions of its major suppliers. As a part of this effort, we identified and began managing the amount of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of the Thai plant, which is a major outsourcing factory overseas, in 2023. HUMAX Networks will make further efforts to reduce Scope 3 emissions by expanding the scope of management in order to manage greenhouse gas emissions within the supply chain.
Waste Management
Waste Sorting and Disposal
HUMAX Networks classifies wastes into general waste and industrial waste: the former include papers, cans, glass bottles, plastic, and food wastes generated during employees’ working hours and break time, while the latter include PCBs, finished products, steel plates, etc. generated during product development. Wastes are disposed of by classifying them into wastes for incineration, reclamation, and recycling, in compliance with the standards of the Wastes Control Act. Moreover, items collected free of charge, such as TVs and laptops, are disposed of through organizations that support the recovery and recycling of waste electronics, and electronic industrial wastes are disposed of by waste collection companies designated by the local government.
Efforts to Practice Resource Saving and the Circular Economy
HUMAX Networks is inducing the active participation of its employees in sorting and disposing of wastes through the separate collection of domestic wastes, and is running a campaign recommending the use of reusable tumblers instead of disposable and paper cups. In addition to this, we have taken measures to replace the existing PE pads with paper pads to enhance convenience when dismantling products. To reduce the generation of waste, our company is actively promoting the modification and reuse of IT hardware, particularly laptops. Through these efforts, old laptops are being reused as test equipment for product experiment, and in 2023 we converted 15 old Pcs into 10 items of development equipment. We will minimize the generation of waste from the overall process of production, distribution, and consumption and increase waste recycling and reuse in order to reduce their impact on the environment.
Management of Hazardous Chemical Substances
To respond to global environmental regulations such as RoHS, REACH, POPs, TSCA, CA Prop.65, PFAS, etc., HUMAX Networks has established its own environmental compliance management process. We are periodically monitoring the harmful chemical substances included in our products through verification of parts, and managing the chemical substances of raw and sub-materials in the supply chain by establishing the related database. We request our suppliers to manage data in accordance with global environmental regulations. The company also distributes the latest environmental regulation standards and manuals for hazardous substances to suppliers, and actively monitors whether suppliers comply with the standards.
Furthermore, we are blocking exposure at the source by establishing and implementing measures to prevent exposure according to the risk level based on the results of the chemical substance risk assessment. We are replacing high-risk materials based on the results of risk assessment, and continuing with our improvement efforts by establishing reduction plans. Besides this, we periodically measure the working environment of our worksites, and have furnished MSDS materials on the substances in use in each laboratory. To control exposure to harmful substances, we periodically commission external specialized agencies to measure the working environment and conduct monitoring. As a result, assessments have confirmed that we have “not exceeded the limit on exposure to carcinogenic substances”, and have not “exceeded twice the limit of exposure to chemical factors”.
Management of use of water
Although HUMAX Networks is not in an industry that uses large amounts of water resources, we are raising employees’ awareness of the importance of water conservation by conducting a campaign for saving water in order to reduce the amount of water used by the company. To save water and reduce unnecessary consumption, we are carrying out a campaign aimed at encouraging employees to use tooth-cleaning cups, turn off faucets, and use water appropriately by adjusting water pressure. In addition, we are saving water and energy during the summer season by adjusting the use of hot water valves.
Pollutant Management
Due to the nature of our business, which does not directly produce products, HUMAX Networks plays almost no part in the generation of air and water pollutants or foul odors, and is not a company subject to reporting to the government. Nevertheless, we always keep an eye on the domestic and overseas laws related to pollutants, and make sure that we manage our supply chain with a sense of responsibility so as to minimize the emission and discharge of pollutants in the supply chain.
Biodiversity Preservation Activities
HUMAX Networks’ domestic business sites do not fall under the ecological management area based on the National Institute of Ecology’s ecological and natural map provided by the Ministry of Environment. Nonetheless, HUMAX Networks engaged in a plogging event focused on protection of the ecosystem at Namhansanseong Fortress, Seoul, in which all its employees participated. The event was very meaningful in that it contributed to preserving an important cultural heritage site through healing, tracking, and plogging. We will contribute to protecting the environment and creating a sustainable future through small daily practices, such as picking up trash, by integrating environmental and social contribution activities.
Environmental Risk Assessment and Emergency Response
Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure
HUMAX Networks checks the environmental impacts occurring at all its business sites in order to assess the degree of direct and indirect environmental impacts that may arise in the future. We have classified the main environmental impact elements into air, water quality, soil, natural resources, plants, animals, and people, and are measuring the frequency, amount, and severity of such impacts. This measurement is conducted once a year to identify and manage important environmental issues, and we are taking measures to comply with domestic and overseas environmental laws and to fulfill the environment related standards required by ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
In addition to this, our company periodically monitors various domestic and overseas legal requirements. In particular, we are independently conducting legal compliance assessments and monitoring whether we satisfy the environmental standards required by our customers, such as overseas RoHS, REACH, POPs, TSCA, CA Prop.65, PFAS-related guidelines, etc.
Response to Environmental Emergency
We have identified risks by type and prepared response measures to prevent and prepare for the kinds of environmental accidents that may arise at our business sites. We conduct training once a year to ensure that we can respond quickly and safely to any emergency, such as accidents, flooding, fire, earthquake, etc., and periodically check the training plan for preparing for an emergency and analyze the response measures every two years.
Compliance with Environmental Laws
HUMAX Networks has not received any major fines or non-monetary sanctions due to violations of environmental regulations in the past three years, and will continue to comply with the environment-related laws. We have established a related reporting channel to actively listen to the opinions of our stakeholders on environmental safety, going beyond legal compliance. Our employees, as well as all external stakeholders, can freely use this reporting channel.
Reporting channel related to customer's health and safety

Employee Culture
Talent Development and Management
HUMAX Networks carries out various kinds of support activities designed to help employees settle into the organization and grow into experts, from the recruitment stage to the retirement stage of their career, including an onboarding program, the provision of fair promotion and compensation through periodic performance assessments, the development of each individual employee’s job competencies and career through systematic/periodic training programs, and a retirement program, etc.
Ideal Image of Talent
HUMAX Networks fosters ideal talents who possess skills such as customer-centered thinking, and who have the ability to collaborate based on clear communication, to face challenges and pursue innovation, and to find bold and creative ways of working. To secure suitable candidates, we post our image of the ideal talent on the company website so that potential employees wishing to build their career at HUMAX Networks can empathize with our values.
Fair Recruitment
HUMAX Networks focuses on verifying suitable talents while excluding unfair elements in the recruitment process. At the same time, we strictly abide by the related laws regarding the recruitment procedure. Meanwhile, as a result of our efforts to recruit talents by taking into account diversity, the number of our female talents has gradually increased. Besides this, we make every effort to ensure that unfair elements and discrimination due to gender, age, physical conditions, disabilities, religion, region of origin, academic background, etc. do not intervene when recruiting talents, and if recruitment is confirmed, we check the recruit’s age on their resident registration certificate in order to comply with the prohibition of child labor. Through such a recruitment process, we recruited 13 new employees in 2023.
・ Management of competency of talents suitable for each job and establishment of a recruitment plan for recruiting outstanding talents.
・ Fair recruitment process, and compliance with the examination standard for each recruitment process.
・ Prevention of unfair competition via compliance with the law regarding the fairness of recruitment procedures.
・ Preferential treatment for persons with disabilities and war veterans.
HUMAX Networks' recruitment of human resources
Talent Development, Training, and Career Management
We are proceeding with the fostering and management of talents under the responsibility of the CEO, and improving the training system in stages through (annual) regular discussions on the fostering of talents. We are working hard to develop a company-wide fostering system in the future with a focus on fostering the leadership skills of position holders who play a pivotal role in the organization’s growth. Furthermore, we are establishing a voluntary learning culture, and operating a system of regular support to assist the development of each employee’s job competencies. The number of training hours per person in 2023 stood at 29.2 hours, for a total cost of approximately KRW 18 million. The total training cost for fostering talents and the training time per person have increased continuously over the past three years.
HUMAX Networks Training Framework
・ Beginner: New recruit orientation and mentoring, OJT program.
・ Job: Strengthening an individual’s competency.
- Support for attendance at external training & seminars.
- Support for acquisition of job-related licenses, etc. Strengthening of leader competency
- Operation of onboarding process for new position holders.
- Leadership lectures for position holders; production and distribution of an in-house leadership textbook.
- Language learning for position holders.
・ Mandatory : Occupational health and safety training, training aimed at improving awareness of persons with disabilities within the workplace, and training on sexual harassment prevention, workplace bullying prevention, personal information protection, and retirement life and pension, etc.
・ Corporate ethics : Employee ethics training, human rights training, environmental training.
・ Program : Foreign language learning support, provision of welfare points.
Performance Management & Compensation System
We operate a performance review system to assess each individual’s performance and competencies fairly and objectively, and conduct performance feedback interviews for each organization in order to support an individual’s growth and mitigate any difficulties they are facing.
We have regularized the prevention of discrimination in the job training and promotion process in order to develop employees’ expertise. We are also working hard to ensure fairness in performance management and to prevent discrimination via a review by a final council composed of executives at the final stage of performance management. If an assessed individual feels that they are being discriminated against, we operate a process whereby one can submit an objection to the HR Committee, which then makes efforts to ensure fairness. Meanwhile, if additional work arises, we provide a substitution holiday or compensatory leave.
Employee Compensation and Gender-equal Wage Guarantee
We issue a certification of payment to our employees each month, and periodically announce the year-end salary standards and salary raise procedure. We discuss the amount of compensation for yearly performance, and issue compensations after receiving approval from the CEO and the board of directors. In 2023, we issued our first company-wide performance compensation.
HUMA X Networks operates a compensation system based on fair performance, and guarantees gender-equal wages so that female workers are compensated equitably without discriminating against them in favor of male employees.
Guarantee of Living Wages
HUMAX Networks complies with and supports the guidelines of the “Forward Faster” initiative in order to guarantee living wages.
Hence, we enacted the living wage policy on January 2, 2023 in order to realize responsible and sustainable management in all countries and regions where we run our businesses. After setting a mid-and long-term target to ‘guarantee living wages for all employees’ by 2030 according to the living wage policy, we benchmarked the cost of living and analyzed the wage level of employees in order to apply appropriate wages. As of 2023, HUMAX Networks set wages up by 5% compared to the legal minimum wage, as living wages and paid the wages.
Retirement Benefit Program
We comply with the legal standards on prospective retirees, and help our retirees to maintain a stable life after retirement by operating a retirement pension system and conducting retirement pension training every year.
Work-Life Balance & Welfare
Work-Life Balance & Welfare System
HUMAX Networks is endeavoring to improve employee welfare to create a good work environment for all employees. We conduct periodic surveys in order to listen to the voices of our employees, and strive to enhance their quality of living and improve their satisfaction through healthcare, life support, family-friendly support, self-development programs, etc. In addition, we implemented selective working hours, deemed working hours, compensatory leave, etc. for all employees after labor and management reached a consensus on flexible working hours. In the case of 2023, we established new kinds of support for a fitness club and a self-led welfare points system so as to allow employees to select and use a variety of welfare benefits, including healthcare, travel/leisure, reading/education, and cultural performances, etc.
Maternity Protection
When female employees quit their jobs midway, it not only interrupts their career but also has a negative impact on the company’s policy for promoting diversity. Thus, in addition to the maternity protection system of the Labor Standards Act, HUMAX Networks operates various systems designed to enable female employees to work and take care of family matters by supporting their childbirth and child-rearing.
Stress Relief & Psychological Well-being
We are carrying out the “Healthier Project” to manage the psychological health of our employees. We support employees’ well-being so that they can manage their health by guiding them on practical methods of stress relief, such as light outdoor activities and regular exercise for managing their health during transitional seasons. sufficient sleep, avoidance of overwork, frequent drinking of water, etc. In 2023, we partnered with a local fitness center to support employees’ health and are fostering a proactive culture of well-being within the company. The partnered fitness center facilities are steadily used by more than 30% of our employees, and we plan to support and operate related programs aimed at increasing the number of participants.
Child Care Support (Workplace Nursery)
HUMAX Networks employees who have children aged under 7 can access workplace childcare facilities. The workplace nursery is entrusted to the Purni Childcare Support Foundation for operation, and the period of daycare enrollment is in November of every year. HUMAX Networks plans to expand and strengthen its childcare programs, considering employees’ children as its own children.
Social Conversation & Communication
HUMAX Networks prepares labor-related regulations and guidelines, and promotes periodic conversation and communication between labor and management. We are making efforts to boost smooth communication between employees by operating a labor-management council and a grievance settlement committee system according to the related laws, supporting female staff roundtable meetings, and conducting employee satisfaction surveys. Furthermore, we are working hard to actively listen to and reflect employees’ suggestions, while conducting regular surveys on issues regarding company management and system operation separately from the satisfaction surveys.
Company-Wide Management Briefing
HUMAX Networks conduct two annual management briefing sessions: one for position holders and one for all employees in order to transparently share information on the company’s performance and business status. In addition, during each briefing session, we prepare a Q&A session for employees in order to listen to their suggestions and questions, and endeavor to promote their participation in corporate management.
Labor-Management Council
HUMAX Networks complies with the requirement to hold one council meeting per quarter according to the government’s law on labor-management councils. The labor-management council derives items of agenda based on the VoE (Voice of Employee), discusses current issues related to sharing business management status, systems, welfare, and work environment, and pursues employees’ job stability by carrying out continuous organizational improvement activities.
Grievance Settlement Reporting Channel
HUMAX Networks operates various channels through which employees can raise or submit grievances and express dissatisfaction. All relevant reporting channels guarantee not only the anonymity of the reporter but also the protection of their identity.
・ Grievance settlement committee counseling and reporting
When a worker with a grievance reaches out to a member of the grievance settlement committee for counseling, the latter listens to the worker’s concerns, and then notifies him or her about the settlement of the grievance in writing within 10 days of receiving the request.
・ Grievance reporting channel, Clean Networks
HUMAX Networks operates a channel through which employees can report their grievances, work-related difficulties or personal issues on a one-to-one basis, and through which it makes efforts to build healthy building effective communication channels.
・ Company website-integrated reporting channel
Operated on a 24/7 basis, this channel guarantees the anonymity and identity security of the reporter, and prohibits any retaliation, discrimination, or sanctions against the reporter.
Female Staff Roundtable Meeting
HUMAX Networks aims to promote the diversity of its employees by actively encouraging and supporting the gathering of minorities. As a representative example, we organize roundtable meetings for female staff in order to support a stable work environment for our female employees. Female employees use networking to share and discuss the challenges of balancing work and family life, as well as various topics related to their workplace and family life.
Employee Satisfaction Survey
HUMAX Networks conducts employee satisfaction survey to gather feedback on employee participation and directions for improvement regarding business management and HR affairs. The results of the survey are then reported to the top management, and the company works hard to take action on matters requiring improvement.
The results of the 2023 employee satisfaction survey revealed overall satisfaction among employees regarding the work environment, compensation, and welfare, whereas the score related to members’ participation in and communication on company policies was relatively low. Therefore, we plan to boost employees’ satisfaction by creating more opportunities for communication and by ensuring that all members have a chance to participate.
Customer Satisfaction Quality Management
Quality Management Promotion System
HUMAX Networks had adopted the ISO 9001:2015, TL9000, and ISO 14001:2015 standards throughout all processes related to product development, mass production, field operations, and customer response in order to improve and maintain the quality of its products. According to these standards, we are making concerted efforts to achieve a company-wide quality goal, and we will continue enhancing the quality control system to meet customer requirements.
Quality Management Policy
Quality Management Certification
ISO 9001 is an international standard for consistently providing products and services that meet both customer and legal requirements, enhancing customer satisfaction, and addressing risks and opportunities related to an organization’s objective. HUMAX Networks was awarded the ISO 9001 (quality management system) certification in 2023 in recognition of its establishment of the system at the global level.
・ Date of acquisition of ISO 9001 certification: Aug. 8, 2023
・ Expiration date of ISO 9001 certification: Aug. 20, 2026
Quality Management Governance & Management System
Since product quality is directly connected with customer satisfaction, securing product quality is a top-priority issue requiring dedicated management. HUMAX Networks has established quality management governance to ensure customer satisfaction - from design and development to commercialization and sales of its products. The QA team is fully responsible for managing overall quality management and customer satisfaction under the supervision of the CEO.
Quality Management Activity & Performance
Research & Development for Quality Control
HUMAX Networks is continuously expanding its R&D expenditure and personnel for quality control. Our R&D expenditure as of the end of 2023 amounted to KRW 10.53 billion, an increase of 25% compared to the KRW 7.879 billion spent in the previous year. Furthermore, our company owns a total of 54 intellectual property rights (19 patents, 34 designs, 1 trademark referred to as SENSIFY) as of the end of June 2024. We will constantly conduct R&D and pursue innovation in order to create customer value and provide actual value to our customers.
Product Quality Assurance
HUMAX Networks guarantees its products through a quality warranty, replacement, refunds, defect repairs, and after-sales services for sold products. If an issue is identified in a product through self-inspection or customer feedback, we put customer safety first by immediately recalling the product. In 2023, there were no mandatory recalls.
Customer Communication and Complaint Handling
HUMAX Networks periodically manages and monitors customer inquiries, complaints, and claims through the VOC (Voice of Customer). Customers can find detailed information on our products and services at the company website, and ask any questions anytime through the site’s inquiry system. Furthermore, customers can report concerns and risks related to health and safety due to product defects, and inconveniences and complaints through the ESG integrated reporting channel.
Once a customer complaint or claim has been received, a department dedicated to quality and customer satisfaction forwards it to the relevant department (i.e. the department responsible for taking action) and provides feedback and improvement measures. We are committed to listening to the VOC and making improvements to ensure that our service activities are customer-oriented.
Marketing and Product Safety Violations
HUMAX Networks is committed to avoiding illegal and exaggerated advertisements and to building trust with its customers. Our company has not received any administrative punishments or fines for violating the laws related to false, exaggerated or misleading advertisements in the promotional materials for our products. In addition, we have not received any sanctions or penalties from the government for having a negative effect on our customers’ health and safety due to our produced and manufactured products.
Product Environmental Compliance Process
At HUMAX Networks, we integrate and manage information on environmental regulations regarding our products using the EHMS (Environmental Hazardous Substances Management System). When developing a product, we request environmental information on parts from our suppliers, who then register the related environmental information. Furthermore, we submit environmental information about our products upon request from our customers.
Consumer Health and Safety
We have enacted the PL (Product Liability), and PS (Product Safety) regulations to prevent risks caused by products and to protect the safety of our consumers. Product Liability means bearing responsibility for damage compensation if a defective product is manufactured and distributed and inflicts damage on a consumer(s), regardless of whether the manufacturer acted intentionally or negligently. Product Safety means responding to an issue that is a potential cause of dispute with a consumer(s) and customer(s) due to their exposure to risk from a product defect, even though the consumer(s) incurs no damages or property losses. We have acquired the certifications related to product performance and safety required by each country, and are maintaining and managing them accordingly.
Human Rights Respect and Protection
Human Rights Policy
HUMAX Networks has enacted and declared the human rights charter in order to actively implement human rights management while simultaneously preventing violations of human rights from business operations and mitigating the related risks. We make it a general principle to comply with international standards and guidelines related to human rights and labor, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s Core Convention, and the OECD’s Due Diligence for Responsible Business Conduct, etc. In addition, we prohibit forced labor in accordance with human rights regulations, and check whether new recruits have their ID cards and whether the company has existing employees’ ID cards when inspecting forced labor through the human rights impact assessments and due diligence operated by the company.
Human Rights Management Charter
The basic direction of HUMAX Networks’ human rights management is based on a framework of protection, respect, and relief, which is related to the United Nations’ Guiding Principles (UNGP) on Business and Human Rights. In this regard, ‘protection’ refers to the protection of the human rights of all people having an effect on the process of corporate management activities; ‘respect’ means respect for human rights regarding all countries, companies, groups, and individuals that transact and collaborate with our company; and ‘relief’ refers to the provision of relief for the victims when violations of human rights occur due to corporate management activities.
HUMAX Networks’ Human Rights Management Charter
Human Rights Issue Management Process
HUMAX Networks conducts human rights impact assessments, prepares activities for improving identified human rights issues, and endeavors to relieve factors related to human rights violations. Especially, we are striving to prevent and relieve human rights violations by operating a reporting channel dedicated to human rights issues that can be accessed by all stakeholders.
Human rights violation reporting channel
Human rights risk management system
・ Conduct periodic human rights training.
・ Periodically identify and assess potential/practical human rights risks.
・ Perform improvement tasks based on assessment results and share the results with stakeholders.
Raising Human Rights Awareness and Achieving ZERO Violations
Regular Human Rights Training for Employees
HUMAX Networks regularly provides human rights training for its employees in order to raise their awareness of and foster their sensitivity regarding human rights, and to prevent potential human rights violations. In 2022, our human rights training mainly focused on legally mandatory topics such as preventing sexual harassment and workplace bullying in the workplace, as well as increasing awareness of people with disabilities in the workplace. Then, starting in 2023, we included content on human trafficking and child and forced labor, which are global issues related to human rights. By conducting these training sessions, we are committed to raising our employees’ awareness of human rights. In 2023, all 175 employees (completion rate: 100%) of our company completed legally mandatory training, covering topics such as the prevention of sexual harassment and workplace bullying in the workplace, as well as raising awareness of people with disabilities in the workplace. All 175 employees (completion rate: 100%) completed our company’s own training on identifying and protecting the victims of human trafficking, as well as prohibiting child and forced labor.
2023 Human Rights Training Status and Outcomes
・ Details of HUMAX Networks’ human rights training in 2023
Human Rights Training for Security Personnel
In 2023, HUMAX Networks conducted three sessions of human rights training for the security personnel of a partner company at our business sites. These sessions served as a turning point for sharing HUMAX Networks’ awareness and culture of human rights. The training covered various topics, including preventing sexual harassment and workplace bullying, raising awareness of people with disabilities in the workplace, ethics training, etc.
Promoting Everyday Human Rights Awareness Among Employees
In 2023, HUMAX Networks posted posters about preventing workplace bullying in areas where employees can easily view them. In so doing, the company is striving to raise employees’ awareness of human rights in everyday life. We will continue to engage in various communication efforts designed to help improve employees’ awareness of human rights.
ZERO Incidents of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Discrimination
HUMAX Networks adheres to the laws and institutional systems of the countries in which we conduct business operations. We strictly prohibit all forms of forced labor, child labor, and wage exploitation in accordance with the regulations set forth by the International Labor Organization. Additionally, we do not discriminate based on gender, age, nationality, religion, etc. in managing our HR, including recruitment, assignment, evaluation, and compensation. We also strictly prohibit workplace bullying and sexual harassment, and are making various efforts to prevent them. We will respect the human rights of labor workers in all regions where we operate, and strive to create an optimal work environment in which all employees are treated fairly.
Human Rights Impact Assessment
In 2023, HUMAX Networks conducted a human rights impact assessment in order to identify actual and potential human rights risks that may have an impact on human rights due to our corporate activities in order to prevent any negative impacts on human rights. The human rights impact assessment was carried out by organizing it into a total of 8 areas, 27 items, and 124 indexes. This was achieved by modifying and supplementing the human rights impact assessment checklist provided in the National Human Rights Commission of Korea’s human rights management manual. In addition, we examined actual and potential human rights risks that may arise in HUMAX Networks’ corporate management. This included assessments for identifying potential child labor, forced labor and/or human trafficking - major global issues - as well as employee health and safety risks, and information security risks. These assessments were reflected in the related checklist.
Results of the Human Rights Impact Assessment
The results of the human rights Impact assessment conducted in 2023 confirmed that no issues posed serious concern. However, the scores were low with regard to the establishment of a human rights management system, which included the regularization of human rights training, the perceived level of the company’s human rights policy, and the procedure for relieving victims of human rights violations and enhancing anonymity. In the area of responsible management of the supply chain, we obtained a low score in the inspection of our partner companies’ safety management practices. Hence, our company plans to periodically conduct training on human rights and engage in internal campaigns and improve their contents. We will also enhance anonymity to protect personal information during relief procedures for human rights management, and will regularly inspect the human rights and safety management of our partner companies.
Supply Chain Management & Collaboration
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
HUMAX Networks intends to take a leap forward as a sustainable company that secures global competitiveness through mutual growth with its suppliers. To this end, we are urging our suppliers and business partners to adopt sustainable business practices. To achieve this, we have implemented a sustainable procurement policy that considers the environment, labor practices, and human rights from the perspective of all our businesses. We have also established the ESG Code of Conduct for Partner Companies in accordance with this policy, and conduct ESG assessments and training for major partner companies.
Partner Company’s ESG Code of Conduct
HUMAX Networks has established the ESG Code of Conduct for Partner Companies to induce them to actively participate in complying with our stakeholders’ requirements and to enhance their interest in environmental and social issues. We have developed ten principles to define the principles of environmental, ethical, and social responsibilities. This includes the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and internationally recognized standards including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with which suppliers must comply. As such, HUMAX Networks’ suppliers are required to sign a pledge of compliance with the ESG Code of Conduct.
ESG (Sustainable Procurement) Training
We have conducted periodic ESG training for the employees of our departments related to purchasing and sales in order to raise awareness about ESG risks that may arise in the supply chain. In addition, we have supported training to promote understanding of HUMAX Networks’ supply chain ESG policy and to promote diversity and inclusiveness among our suppliers. Conducted for employees in charge of supplier contracting and purchasing, and employees related to ESG, the training covered such topics as ESG management, the significance of supply chain ESG, ESG supply chain policy, ESG assessment results and improvements by company, and examples that have promoted diversity and inclusiveness.
Supplier’s ESG Assessment
As various systems such as due diligence of the EU supply chain are newly developed and promoted in full swing by major countries and international agencies, the importance of ESG management for the companies we trade with has grown significantly. HUMAX Networks has added a new clause to the basic purchase agreement for ESG (CSR) risk inspection (due diligence) of the supply chain, and carried out ESG assessments of major suppliers. We first identified ESG risks related to the industry of the supply chain before conducting the ESG assessment, and then developed ESG assessment indexes based on the results. The ESG assessment indexes consist of 9 environmental (E) indexes (policy, training, activity & monitoring), 13 social (S) indexes (personal information protection, human rights & labor, health & safety, fair trade, social contribution), and 12 governance (G) indexes (ethics policy & training, monitoring, management system & reporting), thus totaling 34 indexes.
Identification of ESG risks and development of assessment indexes
We have derived ESG risk issues in the supply chain in order to identify the ESG risks of suppliers that may arise during purchasing, and developed ESG risk assessment indexes based on the related risk issues, which are used to assess the ESG performance of our suppliers.
In 2023, we monitored the ESG risks of our suppliers using the supply chain ESG risk assessment indexes on major partners. We completed the written ESG assessment of suppliers and then proceeded with an on-site inspection, during which we did not discover any special risks related to ESG. For minor matters requiring improvement, we recommended corrective measures to be taken. We plan to expand our ESG assessments of major suppliers by 2030.
Operation of a reporting channel for supply chain workers
We operate an reporting channel that allows our supply chain workers to report when they are involved in negative events such as ethics, human rights, and health & safety. When any issue is reported, due diligence is carried out.
Reporting channel for supply chain workers
Conflict Minerals Management Policy
HUMAX Networks acknowledges the environmental and social impacts, and global issues surrounding, conflict minerals. To raise consumer’s awareness and transparency regarding tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold sourced from conflict regions and high-risk areas and to procure sustainable minerals, we have established and are operating a conflict mineral management policy. Moreover, we support and adhere to the principles of initiatives related not only conflict to minerals but also to responsible minerals.
Conflict Mineral Management & Investigation Process
HUMAX Networks checks whether the parts it sources contain conflict minerals, and includes them in the target of investigation even if a small amount is contained. We check the country of origin and smelters of conflict minerals included in our products (parts) and investigate the CFS1) certification2) status of the specified smelters. Our investigation process is based on CMRT3), which is a standard for conflict mineral investigation.
1) CFS (Conflict-Free Smelters): Smelters approved by the CFSI.
2) CFS certification (CFSP: Conflict Free Smelter Program, smelter certification program supervised by the CFSI).
3) CMRT: Conflict Minerals Reporting Template.
Social and eco-friendly contributions
Direction of Social Contributions
Support for Company Promoting Social Values
HUMAX Networks’ in-house cafe, unlike other cafes, is a special space where young adults with developmental disabilities, such as mental handicaps and autism, can work together with our baristas. We are operating an in-house cafe with a social enterprise called ‘Bear Better’ with the aim of empowering and supporting these young adults with developmental disabilities, and helping them to integrate into society. We support Bear Better every year, and the amount of purchases totaled KRW 8.1 billion in 2023.
Plogging Campaign
In 2023, HUMAX Networks engaged in a plogging event in which all employees participated in order to practice environmental protection in everyday life. It was a meaningful event as the participants were able to preserve an important cultural heritage in a clean condition by healing, tracking, and plogging at Namhansanseong Fortress. We will support our employees in making sure that small acts in everyday life, such as picking up trash, become a continuous social contribution activity and contribute to creating a sustainable future.
Free Provision of “Zero Waste” Tumblers
In 2023, we distributed tumblers to all employees and participants in IBC 2023 and NETWORK X 2023 to remind them of environmental issues due to the excessive use of disposable cups and to encourage them to join in activities aimed at reducing their use. Reusable tumblers are known to reduce waste by significantly cutting down the use of single-use plastics and other disposable products. By promoting the use of reusable products, we intended to encourage sustainable consumption that can minimize disposable wastes.
Health & Safety
Health & Safety Management Framework
HUMAX Networks has appointed the CEO as the chief supervisor of health & safety management. We have also reviewed the functions and processes needed in the health and safety management system, and have established our health and safety objectives, while taking into account the legal requirements related to health and safety, and organizational risks and opportunities. In addition, we are committed to creating a safe and pleasant work environment at all our business sites by providing regular training to raise employees’ awareness of safety issues.
Health & Safety Goals and Strategies
Health & Safety Management System Certification
HUMAX Networks first acquired the ISO 45001 certification, an international standard that defines the requirements for systematically managing an organization’s health and safety, in 2021.
Since then, we have completed the first follow-up audit in 2022, the secondary follow-up audit in 2023, and the renewal audit in 2024. We are committed to securing the safety management system by continuously renewing and maintaining the relevant certifications.
Health & Safety Management Policy
HUMAX Networks has established the following health and safety management policy to consistently deliver products and services that meet the expectations and requirements of its stakeholders.
Health & Safety Governance
There is growing social demand for holding companies responsible for health and safety in order to prevent and manage various risks, under various laws including the Serious Accident Punishment Act. To respond to the tightened health and safety laws and rising social demand, HUMAX Networks has appointed the CEO as the health and safety management supervisor. The company has also formed the Industrial Health and Safety Committee, which meets every quarter, to mitigate health and safety risks continuously and to improve the related policies, activities, and performance.
Reporting of Health & Safety Accident and Risks
HUMAX Networks provides a reporting channel via the company website that is operated 24/7 and allows employees and external stakeholders to raise concerns and submit complaints regarding health and safety accidents and risks. Confidentiality regarding the reporter’s identity and the details of each report are strictly maintained, and a reporter protection program is in place to protect reporters from any disadvantages.
Health & safety accident and risk reporting channel
Training is conducted periodically to internalize a culture that emphasizes health and safety. Every year, the target, contents, and methods of training are reviewed, and the training is classified into periodic training; training upon recruitment; training when changing work details; and special health and safety training. When necessary, we measure the training performance via surveys or tests, the results of which are reflected in the training plan for the following year. Furthermore, the health and safety management supervisor, safety manager, and healthcare manager have all completed job training according to the relevant domestic laws. However, if training is not attended due to unavoidable reasons, we deliver separate materials to fully inform the trainee of the training content.
Health & Safety Activity and Performance
Risk Assessment
We conduct risk assessments of all work spaces including office areas. We identify the actual condition of hazardous risk factors, assess them, and manage and improve risk elements. Through regular and frequent risk assessments every year, we identify hazardous risk elements and establish preventive measures. If a review is needed, we can conduct an assessment immediately. During the risk assessment, the person in charge at each department periodically identifies the risk factors by process, and checks the risk elements to estimate the possibility and materiality of each risk element. Then, we assess the size of the risk and determine whether it can be allowed. Based on this assessment, we take improvement measures.
Assessment of Musculoskeletal System Risks
To prevent musculoskeletal illnesses due to long-term work, we conduct periodic investigations of risks to the musculoskeletal system according to the health and safety rules. We investigate by identifying workers whose jobs carry a high likelihood of falling, straining the musculoskeletal system, such as work involving unnatural postures, repetitive tasks, and heavy lifting. The on-site investigation includes video recordings, interviews with workers, and actual measurements of work equipment. From the results of an investigation conducted in 2023, we have confirmed that there is no work that strains the musculoskeletal system. We will conduct further investigations as and when the work environment changes due to changes in the equipment used by our employees.
Health & Safety Facility Investment and Listening to Opinions
HUMAX Networks values the feedback it receives from its employees through the facility improvement request application (Sandy), and invests in facilities that promote health and safety. In 2023, we invested in installing soundproof walls to prevent exposure to noise, attached stickers on the floors to prevent collisions with doors, and repaired office floors to ensure health and safety.
Health checkup and consulting
HUMAX Networks support comprehensive health checks for all its employees. Employees over 40 undergo an annual health check-up, while those below 40 have one every two years. We perform health checks for new recruits. We determine whether a candidate laboratory user is fit to perform the relevant duties through a health checkup before assigning duties. We also conduct special health checkups once a year. Furthermore, we even offer health checkups for temporary employees (contract workers) who have served for more than one year. HUMAX Networks selects targets from high risk groups and conducts monthly health consultations. Our occupational healthcare service provider checks each employee’s health with a simple checkup, including blood pressure and body fat measurements, and provides consulting aimed at improving their health.
Disease control and prevention of repetitive strain injuries
To support and protect our employees from infectious diseases, we have expanded the telecommuting system, provided vaccination leave, and offered influenza vaccinations. In addition, we provide thermometers and hand sanitizers for each office in order to create an environment where symptoms can be identified and hygiene can be managed independently. Given the nature of our work, which involves repetitive work using computers, there are health-related risks to the neck, shoulders, wrists and fingers, and back. Hence, by investing in the following programs in 2023, we made efforts to ease employees’ stress and tension caused by repetitive work.
・ Campaign to encourage employees to stretch their neck, shoulders, back, and legs before beginning work on-site. (Called “Wise Work Life”_Stronger/Healthier)
・ Provision of health information via the in-house portal bulletin board and mail.
・ Replacement of chairs with a back and spinal protection function.
Process for Responding to and Emergency
We have established and operate an emergency response plan to protect the life and body of our employees, safeguard company assets, and prevent the spread of damages. The emergency response plan is prepared to deal immediately with an emergency or disaster situation. We have outlined methods of recognizing diverse types of emergencies, including computer outages, power outages, fires, natural disasters, and terror incidents, and measures for responding to them.
Emergency Response Training
HUMAX Networks periodically conducts training, including a simulated emergency, in order to identify risks and matters to improve upon and to be able to respond quickly and safely in the event of an accident or other emergency. Emergency response training was jointly conducted in 2023 for company employees residing in HUMAX Village under the supervision of the fire department, the results of which are as follows.
Joint fire evacuation drill for HUMAX Village employees in 2023
・ Purpose: To enhance the competencies of the company fire department regarding a specific fire protection target, and to reduce casualties and property damages with rapid evacuation in the event of a fire.
・ Date/Time: Nov. 24, 2023 (10:30~11:30)
・ Participants: 305 persons (including company fire dept.)
- HUMA X Village resident employees and in-company fire department included.
・ Location: Roof of HUMAX Village (toward Tancheon)
・ Training details: Fire drill, notification drill, evacuation drill

Board Composition and Operation
Composition of the Board of Directors
The board of directors is composed of two executive directors and two other non-managing directors according to the articles of association to ensure transparent and independent operation. The composition of the BOD meets the requirement of having a majority of the total number of directors according to the related laws and regulations, such as the Commercial Act. The directors possess industry expertise and professional knowledge of corporate management.
The board of directors deliberates and supervises important matters regarding company management according to the relevant laws, the articles of association, and the board regulations. The company has made concerted efforts to establish a solid foundation for business management through board-centered governance. Moreover, we guarantee the independence of the members of the board of directors so that the board can supervise the company’s business operations in an objective manner.
Remuneration and Audit System
Board of Directors Remuneration System
The remuneration of the board of directors is executed according to the standards set by the board of directors by taking into account the relevant position and duties within the amount approved by the general meeting of shareholders. In the case of executive directors, their remuneration is provided based on their performance via a quantitative evaluation of overall company performance, and a qualitative evaluation of ESG activities, etc.
Audit System
One auditor, appointed by the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders, audits our company’s accounting, and business operations. The audit findings are immediately reported to the head of the relevant department and top management, corrective and improvement measures are taken, and appropriate follow-up management is carried out for the measures taken.
Operation of the Board of Directors
HUMAX Networks hosts periodic board meetings every quarter, and it may also hold temporary board meetings as and when required. The approval of proposed items of agenda requires the attendance of more than half of the total number of directors and the agreement of the majority in attendance. However, for matters specified by the relevant laws, such as Article 389 of the Commercial Act (Transactions between Directors, etc. and Company), the approval of items of agenda requires the agreement of more than two-thirds of the directors. In the board of directors’ meetings, reporting and resolutions are reached on major items of the management agenda. In 2023, six board meetings were held, with an average attendance rate of 100%.
Ethical & Compliance Management
Ethical Management Policy and Promotion System
HUMAX Networks complies with the relevant laws and ethical standards in all its corporate activities. This allows us to fulfill our social responsibilities while establishing a fair, transparent, and sound corporate culture. We have established the ethics code of conduct to ensure that all employees, both locally and internationally, respect the laws and regulations of each country and region in which we do business. We are also fostering an ethical management culture so that our members fulfill their roles and responsibilities with an ethical mindset, with ‘Anti-Bribery, Anti-Corruption’ as the fundamental principle. This principle applies not only to our employees but also to transactions with our suppliers and partner companies. We also prohibit all forms of unfair trade.
Core Principles for Ethical Management Practices
Ethics Code of Conduct
HUMAX Networks makes sure that its employees act fairly in any situation involving an ethical conflict that may arise while performing their duties by using the ethics code of conduct as the standard. We review the ethics code of conduct every year. In 2023, we added a new clause that prohibits money laundering in line with the global standards (Nov. 1, 2023).
Gift and Entertainment Policy
In some countries, returning or refusing a gift can offend the giver due to customs and cultural factors. HUMAX Networks established a gift and entertainment policy in 2023 to help employees make the right decision when providing or receiving gifts or entertainment. This policy applies to all employees including the HUMAX Networks Corporation. Under this policy, any employee who receives a gift must obtain the approval of the head of their department on how to handle it. If an employee is unsure what to do with a gift or entertainment, final approval must be received from the department in charge of ethical management (HR dept.).
Ethical Management Training
In 2023, we conducted training on “Understanding of Ethical Management” to ensure that employees raise their awareness of ethics, form a consensus on ethical management and practice it in their actual life and work. The training covered the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, and examples of illegal solicitation. Ethical training was conducted for all employees, with 177 participants, in the form of an online training course over a period of about 2 weeks in September.
Ethical Management Monitoring and Assessment
Ethical Management Monitoring System
We operate an ethical management system consisting of three stages, i.e. prevention, monitoring and detection, and implement follow-up measures. We perform ethical practice activities such as self-diagnosis assessments and training programs, etc. to raise the level of ethical practice of our members, and prevent unfair practices. Furthermore, we monitor unfair practices at all times via regular inspections and a reporting channel. We also take follow-up measures and conduct regular inspection and monitoring in order to improve our system for preventing ethical violations.
Audit of Corruption Control Procedures
independent external audit agency conducts an external accounting audit. In 2023, understanding and assessment of internal controls, an early verification audit on important account balances, inquiries on important account balances and disclosure details, analytical procedures, and sample inspections (document verification, recalculation, etc.) were carried out. The results of the audit are disclosed through the Financial Supervisory Service’s Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer (DART) system every year.
Corruption Risk Assessment (Internal Integrity Assessment)
HUMAX Networks periodically conducts a corruption risk assessment by referring to the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission’s integrity assessment model and contents. The corruption risk assessment consists of five areas, including two indexes, the integrity culture index and the work integrity index, as well as organizational culture, corruption prevention, etc. In the 2023 assessment, we obtained a total score of 84.2 points, showing a favorable level. However, we obtained a low score in the <Effectiveness of protecting whistleblowers of corruption> item for preventing corruption. Consequently, we established the following action plans.
Third-Party Anti-Corruption Monitoring
HUMAX Networks conducts corruption monitoring of not only our company but also our suppliers. The main target of third-party anti-corruption due diligence is our major suppliers. As regards the method, we conduct a written assessment, including indexes related to corruption and integrity ethics, in connection with our supply chain ESG assessment. In 2023, we conducted anti-corruption due diligence on our major suppliers.
We operate a reporting channel for unethical acts that may involve our employees and stakeholders. For the issues received via the reporting channel, the processing and results are reported to the board of directors. We make sure that similar cases do not occur in any future business management activities and employees’ work.
Whistleblower Protection and Anti-Retaliation Measures
assured and consult and report violations. We have also put a whistleblower protection program in place to ensure whistleblowers do not receive unfavorable treatment due to reporting. Moreover, we apply a policy that strictly prohibits retaliation to prevent unfavorable treatment such as dismissal, demotion, unpaid suspension, etc. even if a member reports or raises a question about unethical behavior or violations of laws, rule of ethics, or other company policies.
Reporting channel and responsible department
・ Website: https://www.humax-networks.com/report
・ Responsible department: Management support team (82+ 31-606-8320)
・ Hotline (Clean HUMAX Networks): 112@humax-networks.com
Information Security
Information Security Management System
HUMAX Networks has put in place - through the governance system - an information security management system comprising an information security policy, a chief information security officer (CISO), an information security committee, and acquisition of the ISO 27001 certification. Through this, we acknowledge the importance of personal information protection, and do our utmost to prevent leakages of our customers’ personal information. As a result of these efforts, we have not had a single personal information leakage or violation for the past three years.
Information Security Policy
HUMAX Networks has established an information security policy to preserve and manage personal information assets safely and efficiently. The scope of this policy applies not only to all employees who work at our company, but also all to third parties that have access to HUMAX Networks’ assets due to contractual relations, and customers to whom we provide our services.
HUMAX Networks’ Information Security Policy
ISO 27001 Certification
HUMAX Networks has been objectively recognized for its management system and information security activities with the ISO 27001 certification, an international standard on information security management systems. This certification involves an inspection of the operational status of the management system through renewal audits before its expiration, identifies areas to improve upon beforehand and, based on this, initiates a process of feedback and corrective measures, etc.
Information Security Governance
The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), who has expertise in information security, makes the final decisions on information security matters, and manages overall information security activities. Meanwhile, the Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) is responsible for implementing measures to protect personal information, and managing information security. We host an information security committee meeting with our information security organization semiannually, and regularly hold meetings depending on the company’s information security situation in order to make decisions on major items of agenda concerning information security. Moreover, in the event of an urgent situation related to information security, we mobilize a security incident response organization and an emergency response organization to address the situation promptly and effectively.
Information Security Activity and Risk Assessment
HUMAX Networks periodically conducts internal security audits according to user security management guidelines and information system operation security guidelines in order to check whether information security activities are being complied with. In addition, we have set KPIs based on the ISMS (Information Security Management System) in relation to information security activities to measure the effectiveness of information security activities.
Information Security Training
HUMAX Networks conducts regular information security training for all its employees and those of its partner companies. In 2023, all 188 employees participated in the related training. We not only conduct basic training but select specific targets for training, and we also conduct training if specialized training is needed for a specific area. Moreover, we conduct training related to personal information protection for personal information officers more than once a year, and set the information security training attendance rate as a KPI to manage training performance.
Protection of Third-Party Data
HUMAX Networks strictly manages personal information according to the guidelines on personal information protection. We receive and keep a security pledge from employees to prevent leaks, losses, and damages of personal information. In addition, we are taking various measures to protect third-party data from unauthorized access or disclosure.
Information Security Risk Assessment and Security Audit
In order to maintain the ISO 27001 certification, HUMAX Networks periodically undergoes an information security risk assessment by an independent third party (ISO 27001 certification auditor). We receive an assessment of the risk level by inspection items according to the type of organizational control, human control, physical control, and technical control. After the assessment, we establish protection measures for each risk level. Furthermore, we regularly conduct inspections of security in everyday life, assess the actual state of our information protection management, and address any vulnerability thus identified so as to enhance our information security.
Response to Information Security Breaches
HUMAX Networks strictly manages security breaches according to the guidelines. In the event of a security incident involving an information asset, the Chief Information Protection Officer organizes a breach incident response team to address the breach. Moreover, we solve problems promptly in cooperation with professional external organizations.
Risk Management
Risk Management System and Roadmap
HUMAX Networks manages the overall risk of the company effectively by identifying potential risks during business activities and corporate operations and preparing strategies to respond to such risks. We identify various risks that may arise in several areas, and aim to maximize the efficiency of risk management by building a response system tailored to the types of relevant risks. If company losses are confirmed or a risk with a very high possibility of generating losses is identified, we judge the urgency of the situation by discussing it with the overseeing department, and hold a temporary board meeting to discuss the related issues. Furthermore, we periodically review ESG risks when making investments; and the board of directors makes major decisions and performs management and supervisory roles.
Company-Wide Risk Management Process
The major managing department monitors risks continuously according to their types. If a risk is discovered, we immediately identify the type and assess the level of risk. Based on the result of this assessment, we analyze the cause in order to secure the necessary resources and establish response measures. When necessary, we strengthen the countermeasures a step further in cooperation with external experts, and transparently report the results of the analysis and response measures to the board of directors and senior management. If the risk situation ends, we remove the cause of the potential risk, and strive to enhance the response system by developing follow-up plans in preparation for similar cases.
Risk Management Road Map
Risk Identification and Management
HUMAX Networks selects risks that may threaten the company’s ability to achieve its goals, comprehensively considering its management goals and business environment, and manages the related risks by risk level. We classify the types of risks into financial risks and non-financial risks (business continuity, operation), and establish a systematic response system for each type of risk.

Financial Performance
ESG Data
UN Sustainable Development Goals
The UN SDGs are the 17 common goals to be achieved by mankind by 2030, which were adopted at the UN General Assembly in 2015. They provide a global blueprint for achieving human prosperity and protection of the Earth’s environment.
HUMAX Networks is deeply aware of the importance of, and supports, such UN SDGs, and practices sustainable management through sustainable activities designed to meet each goal.
10 Principles of the UN Global Compact
HUMAX Networks actively supports and strives to comply with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact (hereinafter referred to as the “UNGC”) on human rights, employees, the environment, and anti-corruption. Regarding these ten UNGC principles, we have established policies and norms for each one of them in order to internalize ESG management, and we have established and manage the operating system required to practice them, thereby continuously monitoring individual activities. Through this, HUMAX Networks is making efforts to ensure that its ESG management complies with international norms and levels.
ESG Related Certifications
Major Awards & Group Membership Status
Group Membership Status
GRI Content Index
HUMAX Networks Co., Ltd. reports its ESG performance and data for 2023 by referring to the standard method of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative).
Third-Party Assurance Statement
Dear readers of HUMAX Networks’ Sustainability Report,
Introduction and Objectives of Work
ESG Innovation Network (hereinafter referred to as the “Assurer”) has been requested to perform third-party external assurance on the Sustainability Report (hereinafter “Report”) of 2024 HUMAX Networks Co., Ltd. The purpose of assurance by the assurer is to confirm the accuracy, reliability, and objectivity of the disclosed information, and to assure that the report addresses issues that are important to the organization and its stakeholders. HUMAX Networks is responsible for all information and claims included in the report. The assurer has not intervened in any way in the process of preparing the report, and holds responsibility for the assurance statement provided herein.
Assurance Standard he reporting standard.
The assurance on the Report has been performed according to the AA1000AS v3 published by the international assurance standard Account Ability. We have assessed the application of four principles (inclusivity, materiality, responsiveness, and impact) and applied 「Type 2」 assurance, which assesses the robustness of the information collection procedure and system as well as the reliability and quality of the disclosed information. This assurance has been performed at a 「Moderate」 level, based on the limited collection of evidence. Furthermore, we have used the GRI Standards (2021), an international standard related to this report, and ISO 26000, a social responsibility guideline, during the assurance process.
Scope of Assurance
The assurer, as an independent assurance agency, has strictly adhered to the procedures and guidelines of the assurance standard. The scope of assurance is limited to the information and data included in the reporting period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, and includes the verification of the following items.
・ The robustness of the process and management system for the collection, analysis, and review of information.
・ The reliability and quality of the disclosed information. Application of the four principles of the assurance standard: inclusivity, materiality, responsiveness, and impact.
・ Reference to the GRI Standards (2021), t Assurance Standard he reporting standard.
The assurer has performed the assurance by establishing a systematic assurance plan and documenting the materials to be reviewed, activities, deliverables, schedule, etc. The assurer has also performed the assurance using the following methods, and derived the conclusion related to the assurance opinions.
・ Review of sustainability issues that may have an impact on the organization and that may be of interest to stakeholders.
・ Review of the important issue-determining process for selecting reporting issues.
・ Review of the sustainability data preparation and derivation process.
・ Review of the internal documents and basic data used to support the key assertions of the report.
・ Review of the on-site interviews of the persons in charge of performance data by area and the related management system.
・ Inspection of the suitability of the contents specified in the report and errors in expressions.
Our Findings
We have not discovered any items judged to not express all important issues fairly based on the performed procedures and the assurance information acquired. The assurer’s detailed assurance opinions are as follows.
・ First, the assurer has performed the assurance of the reliability and quality of the disclosed information related to sustainability by checking the data collection and processing process, and the supporting documents and records using the sampling method. The assurer deems that the reporting organization has established an appropriate system for collecting, accumulating, analyzing, and reviewing data and information. In addition, the assurer deems that the information and data specified in the report are reliable and have no major errors or bias. The errors discovered during the assurance process or unclear expressions were corrected prior to publication of the final report.
・ Second, the assurer deems that the Report has applied the principle of inclusivity of the assurance standard appropriately. Inclusivity refers to identifying the key stakeholders of the organization and having them participate in the process of determining and responding to the major issues. HUMAX Networks identifies its key stakeholders, including employees, customers, shareholders and investors, partner companies, and local communities, etc. and appropriately operates programs in which the stakeholders engage.
・ Third, the assurer deems that the Report has applied the principle of materiality of the assurance standard appropriately. Materiality refers to identifying the most important sustainability issues and setting priorities by considering their impact on the organization and society. HUMAX Networks has performed a double materiality assessment that considers both organizational impacts (financial materiality) and environmental and social impacts (impact materiality) on the organization, and derived important issues such as strengthened ethical/anti-corruption management activities, efforts to respond to climate change, management of health and safety at business sites, respect for diversity, and prohibition of discrimination, etc.
・ Fourth, the assurer deems that the Report has applied the principle of responsiveness of the assurance standard appropriately. Responsiveness refers to the appropriate response by the organization to major sustainability issues. HUMAX Networks has reflected the derived important issues in the organization’s strategies and activities appropriately, and responded to the requests of its stakeholders appropriately.
・ Fifth, the assurer deems that the Report has applied the principle of impact of the assurance standard appropriately. Impact refers to the effects of organizational activities and performances on the organization itself and on society. HUMAX Networks systematically identifies and assesses such impacts, and transparently discloses the impact determined by issue in the Report.
・ Sixth, the assurer deems that the Report complies with the requirements of the reporting principles of the GRI Standards (2021), mandatory disclosure items, and the preparation of the GRI Content Index, etc., and that it has been prepared by referring to the GRI Standards (2021).
Key Areas for Ongoing Development
We present the following recommendations within the extent that they do not affect the result of the assurer’s assurance. The assurer recommends that the company should push ahead with activities for contributing to the local communities more systematically and strategically, and further strengthen the operation of the ESG committee that checks and discusses the organization’s sustainability plans and performance.
Statement of Independence, Impartiality and Competence
The assurer has performed the assurance independently. The assurer does not have any business relations with the organization on which it is reporting, other than its provision of third-party assurance services, and there is no conflict of interest. The assurer maintains a comprehensive quality management system for its assurance activities, including documented policies and procedures. Moreover, the assurer has accumulated long-term experience in sustainability, CSR, and ESG management, and its team is composed of members with an excellent understanding of the assurance standard methodology.
September 2024
ESG Assurance Chairman Lee Hyun